Transition into secondary school- student workshop
Is your child starting secondary school? Are they in 5th or 6th class? Then this workshop is suitable for them
- Settling into a new school and figuring out subjects
- Organization and time management tips
- Anxiety and Stress management tools
- Making new friends
- Exam and study preparation
- Homework
- Timetables
How does this work?
Once you purchase the product, you will receive the workshop link where your child can access the workshop. Please note this is a private link and cannot be shared with others. This workshop is to be watched by the student starting secondary school.
If you are a parent looking to find out how you can support your child, visit our parent secondary school course page.
If you have any further questions about the workshop send us an email una@blossom4life.com or if you have questions after purchasing the workshop, we would love to hear from you.