What Role does Blossom4life have

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Everyone will have a different role to play in a dyslexic’s life, from parents to friends and teachers.

Parents sometimes have a very confusing role to play. Most importantly, they want to ensure their child or children feel heard and understood, while also trying to ensure they can reach their potential. Parents always want their children to have every chance in life and to support them in every way they know-how. This is where it can get tricky. Everyone with dyslexia has different challenges, so from one child to the next they would need different supports or a different level of supports. You’re not a professional in this area so how are you to know!?


It does get easier. I think the biggest step any parent can take in supporting their child is seeking help, if your child has had an assessment, you’ve already done more than you realize.


Then it’s time to educate yourself. Ask google, ask professionals, ask teachers and most importantly, ask your child. Nobody knows what your child struggles with the most more than themselves. Feeling heard and supported will be the biggest help even with no professional help. If some of these options don’t work, then contact us.