7 Top Tips for getting an educational psychologist assessment

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Some top tips for getting an educational psychologist assessment.

  1. Research educational psychologists in your area
  2. Link in with your school as they might be offering assessment or have contact details for an educational psychologist
  3. Get in touch with us as we might be able to provide some recommendations
  4. Also, reach out to the Dyslexia Association of Ireland as they carry out assessments- https://dyslexia.ie
  5. Plan ahead, there is often a three to six month wait time to set up an appointment
  6. Gather any relevant information, school reports and homework ahead of the assessment as the psychologist might find these useful to look at.
  7. Be prepared on the day by providing as much information as possible and asking any relevant questions


If you have any questions, get in touch at una@blossom4life.com